Katy Manning

All posts that Katy Manning has been featured in

The Three Doctors

The Three Doctors Doctor Who

The Three Doctors

Earth, or maybe it's just The Doctor, is under attack - but so too are the Time Lords. A powerful force is draining energy from the universe of matter and transferring it to the universe of anti-matter. One Doctor can't help - but maybe three can!

The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007) Reviews

The Sarah Jane Adventures

Doctor Who spin-off starring Elisabeth Sladen as the Timelord's former travelling companion, Sarah Jane Smith, an investigative journalist who with the help of her adopted son, his friends, and an intelligent supercomputer, combats evil alien forces

Tales of the Tardis

Tales of the Tardis (2023) Reviews

Tales of the Tardis

Doctors and former companions reunite to recall previous adventures and reignite old friendships for a BBC iPlayer series celebrating 60 years of Doctor Who