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The Adventures of Long John Silver

The Adventures of Long John Silver (1957)

The Adventures of Long John Silver

Australian series filmed in colour but only available to the UK viewing public of 1957 in black and white, The Adventures of Long John Silver was based very loosely on Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel Treasure Island.

The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955)

The Adventures of Robin Hood

Richard Greene starred as the legendary 12th century outlaw who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. ITV's first adventure series managed to maintain a high standard of writing, employing blacklisted Hollywood writers who wrote under various aliases.

The Adventures of Sir Lancelot

The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956)

The Adventures of Sir Lancelot

Another in the series of ITC's 'Adventures Of...' historicals. Sir Lancelot was lavishly filmed, being the first British series to be shot in colour with a view to the American market.