David Kelly

All posts that David Kelly has been featured in

Fawlty Towers

The Best of Fawlty Towers Articles

Fawlty Towers

Everyone, who is a fan of Fawlty Towers, has their favourite episode. There's certainly a case for any particular episode to be at the top of your list as nearly all of them were equally hilarious. In this article, writer Brian Slade selects his

The Informer

The Informer (1966) Reviews

The Informer

A disbarred barrister uses his connections with the underworld to pass information onto the police -for a price!

Me Mammy

Me Mammy (1968) Reviews

Me Mammy

Bunjy Kenefick is a top exec with a large company in London. He is a bachelor living in a luxury flat and driving a sleek sports car. However, his old-fashioned Catholic mother often puts a stop to his plans, many of them involving his girlfriend Miss Argyll