Hong Kong Phooey

Hong Kong Phooey

1974 - United States

Mild mannered janitor Penry Pooch works at police headquarters in offices nearby Sergeant Flint and switchboard operator Rosemary. This comes in very handy because whenever Rosemary takes a crime report, Penry can jump into action. Well, he actually jumps into a filing cabinet - but this is where he changes into his alter-ego of crime-busting hero Hong Kong Phooey. 

Penry has learned his martial arts through a correspondence course and keeps his instruction book, "The Hong Kong School of Kung Foo" with him at all times. Phooey gets into his Phooeymobile and uses the "bong of the gong" to turn it into whatever sort of transportation best suits the current situation. He is also assisted by Spot, the station's striped cat, but the "Sarge" and Rosemary are not privvy to his true identity. Phooey was voiced by Scatman Crothers, who was also the voice of Scat Cat in Disney's 'The Aristocats.' Sergeant Flint was voiced by Joe E. Ross, best known as Rupert Ritzik comic foil to Ernie Bilko in The Phil Silvers Show in the 1950s and Officer Gunther Toody in the 1960s series Car 54, Where Are You?. As Flint, Ross revived Toody's famous "Oooh! Oooh!" exclamation. 

Published on December 21st, 2018. Written by Laurence Marcus for Television Heaven.

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