
Ozark - Season 2 review

Ozark - Season 2

Ozark - Season 2 review

Marty Bryde and his family continue to navigate the murky waters of life within a dangerous drug cartel who now send in their ruthless attorney to shake things up. The stakes are even higher than before and The Byrdes soon realize they have to go all in before they can get out


Ozark - Season 3


The riverboat casino is officially open for business and Wendy's the one holding the whole operation together, and she’s decided to go all in despite Marty’s reservations. While Marty is worried about their safety, Wendy thinks that a cartel war could be good for business

Ozark - Netflix series review

Ozark - Season 4

Ozark - Netflix series review

After the shock ending to the previous season, the explosive and final series of Netflix's award-winning crime drama picks up the thread from where season three dramatically ended. Old friends become new enemies and the Byrde's are set impossible challenges. But will they survive?

How to Ruin a Show article header

Ten Ways to Ruin a Good Show

How to Ruin a Show article header

It is surprisingly easy to learn how to write a television show. There are a lot of good courses and books out there on how to do it. The best are often on how not to do it.

Reviewing TV shows

Reviewing the Reviewers

Reviewing TV shows

How do you know if you can trust a review to be an accurate reflection of a televised series? John Winterson Richards weighs up the evidence

Robin Hood in Space article

Robin Hood in Space

Robin Hood in Space article

How 'Blake's 7' took its narrative from classic folklore and the fictional adventures of 'the greatest of all English myths'