Sapphire and Steel - Assignment Five

As events unfold in 1980 Time itself is trying to change history. Sapphire and Steel must play out a scenario that happened fifty years before - to avoid the destruction of the entire human race.
As events unfold in 1980 Time itself is trying to change history. Sapphire and Steel must play out a scenario that happened fifty years before - to avoid the destruction of the entire human race.
In the near future, civilization has broken down to the barest fragment of recognizable life.
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot and early 1960s Doctor Who: Andrew O'Day explores William Russell’s dual roles.
Dr Andrew O'Day investigates how Terry Nation's series 'Survivors' imagined a world plagued by a pandemic and compares it with today's stark reality.
The Chronoscope is a device that allows the operator to replay events from the past, anywhere and anywhen, as if they were recorded on video. But why is the Government supressing its use?
A scientist finds a tramp lying unconscious on his doorstep, suffering from a severe genetic radiation disorder and clutching a human finger-bone in his hand, the man is the living image of Harrow's nightmare.
'Boy' has amazing powers of mental perception and persuasion. He is a mutant. Born ahead of his time. Who are the strange group of men shadowing his every move?
One of ITV's earliest dramas and a precursor to the development of Doctor Who
The first two episodes of a genuine television classic from 1953.
Daniel Tessier gives his verdict on the second series of the now legendary sci-fi show.