David Janssen

All posts that David Janssen has been featured in

The Fugitive

The Fugitive (1963) Reviews

The Fugitive

"Name: Richard Kimble. Profession: Doctor of medicine. Destination: Death Row, state prison. Richard Kimble has been tried and convicted for the murder of his wife. But Richard Kimble is innocent..."

Harry O TV series

Harry O (1973) Reviews

Harry O TV series

David Janssen as an embittered and revenge-seeking ex-cop who has been pensioned out of the service following an injury, turns private investigator, in the popular actor's final long-running TV series

The Sheriff of Cochise County 1956

The Sheriff of Cochise (1956) Reviews

The Sheriff of Cochise County 1956

Blazing a trail of law and order in untamed Cochise County, Arizona, Sheriff Frank Morgan uses modern 1950s police methods to fight crime