Series Overview


Ozark - Season 3


The riverboat casino is officially open for business and Wendy's the one holding the whole operation together, and she’s decided to go all in despite Marty’s reservations. While Marty is worried about their safety, Wendy thinks that a cartel war could be good for business

Ozark - Season 2 review

Ozark - Season 2

Ozark - Season 2 review

Marty Bryde and his family continue to navigate the murky waters of life within a dangerous drug cartel who now send in their ruthless attorney to shake things up. The stakes are even higher than before and The Byrdes soon realize they have to go all in before they can get out

Love Thy Neighbour

The Love Thy Neighbour Conundrum

Love Thy Neighbour

Using racist words and language that would see a swift ending of a Twitter or Facebook account if they were replicated today, 'Love Thy Neighbour' shows how times have changed. No young eyes can look now at an episode of this once prime-time series and not be astonished by what they see.

The Boys tv series

The Boys - Season 2

The Boys tv series

"The best thing about Season One was its spot on satire of contemporary corporate and popular culture, with ironic emphasis on the entertainment media themselves. This goes into overdrive in Season Two"

The Expanse season 5

The Expanse - Season Five

The Expanse season 5

For the crew of the Rocinante and the leaders of the Inner Planets and the Belt, the past and present converge...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 review

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 review

The emotional stakes are raised as Buffy and Angel fall in love. But their union will lead to the unleashing of terrifying and deadly consequences...

The Expanse

The Expanse - Season Four

The Expanse

With the Ring gates now open to thousands of new planets, a blood-soaked gold rush begins, igniting new conflicts between Earth, Mars, and the Belt

The Expanse - Season 3

The Expanse - Season Three

The Expanse - Season 3

As the Rocinante crew digs deeper into the search for Prax's missing daughter, the war between Earth and Mars turns deadly...

The Expanse - Season Two

The Expanse - Season Two

The Expanse - Season Two

Following Season One's finale, Season Two begins by introducing a completely new strand that has absolutely nothing to do with what has gone before...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"In every generation there is a chosen one... she alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer."